martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

“Bless You”
Why are these words spoken? Reason why we say “Bless You” is because it originated from ancient superstitions. People believed that when a person would sneeze it causes the soul to escape the body through the nose. And Saying bless you would stop the devil from calming your soul.
When did this saying originate? This saying originated thousands of years ago. Many types of cultures said are but in a different way that still had the same meaning. As the Romans would say “Jupiter preserves you” or “Salve” and it meant “God health to you”. Greeks would say “long life”.
How did this saying originate? The saying originated by people believing that the devil could take their soul and claims their body.
Where did this saying originate?  “Bless you” origin isn’t really known it’s just known that it was first said in the 5th century.


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