martes, 19 de agosto de 2014



Duties and Responsibilities: Acupuncturists conduct one-to-one consultations with their patients, using their skills and knowledge to treat a wide range of health problems.
Salary: $35,970 by year
Education: Certificate and associate's degree programs provide classroom instruction, as well as hands-on workshops where students apply their acupressure knowledge. Two of the leading, nationally accredited agencies for training in acupressure include the American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia (AOBTA) and the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Accredited formal education programs prepare students for state licensing exams.

Reflection: This technique is one of the simplest natural ways to keep diseases away even without taking any medicines. This is the reason that many nations of the world have accepted this way of curing. This method is officially approved in China & therefore it is also known as the "Chinese Method".

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