The World Records
World Records: Is usually the best global performance ever recorded and
officially verified in a specific skill or sport.
World Record Holder: Donnie Foust destroys over 800 pounds of concrete on the chest of
Chad Netherland, who is laying on a bed of nails in New York City on December
5, 2003. Netherland, of Duluth, MN, successfully broke the Guinness world record
for "Bed of nails concrete block break." Netherland was beat by Neal
Hardy in 2008 when he had over 1,170 pounds of concrete broken on his chest.
“World Record” was set: In New York City on December 5, 2003.
Favorite “World Record”: My favorite world record is “The Chocolate Bar” by Kimberly Patrick.
Kimberly inspects and certifies the world’s largest chocolate bar, weighing in
at 12, 190 pounds and measuring 21 feet long, 4 feet wide and 3 feet high on
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 in Chicago. The bar was made by Chicago-based
World's Finest Chocolate, a leader in chocolate fundraising products, will tour
schools across the United States as part of a portion control education
campaign called 'Think Big. Eat Smart.
I like this record: I like this record (Chocolate Bar), because I do not knew that
were a big chocolate bar I like it because I love chocolate and the short story
of Kimberly interest me in how she do the bar chocolate, how many hours did she
take to elaborate this product.
you like to break a World Record: Of course, I would like to break a
world record, but I do not know what I like to be record?
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